Our Approach to Educational and Outreach Activities
Our educational mission is to instill a lifelong curiosity and passion for the world around us at all levels. This is equal to our outreach mission that all students and mentees understand the critical challenges in energy and sustainability as well as the importance of making a more diverse, equitable, inclusive, and accessible world.
At JHU, we partner with the Whiting Internships in Science & Engineering (WISE) Program through the Center for Educational Outreach (CEO) to provide hands-on research experience in catalysis, computational modeling, and machine learning to Baltimore City High School students. We are members of the Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Committee on Diversity and Inclusion (CDI) where Dr. Bukowski has been the committee Vice President since 2021 to help organize outreach and DEIA efforts throughout the ChemBE department.
Whiting Internships in Science & Engineering (WISE)

We partner with the Whiting Internships in Science & Engineering (WISE) program to mentor Baltimore City High School students and provide hands-on experience in catalysis, computational modeling, and machine learning. This program is a paid internship program that connects youth from Baltimore City Public Schools with faculty mentors at JHU. Students present their research to demonstrate the knowledge they have gained, as well as explain the broader impacts of their topic.
We have mentored two students through this program as of Fall 2023, and both have since enrolled in STEM programs at 4-year universities. Mentees explored performing molecular and atomistic simulations on high performance computers, gained valuable presentation skills, and learned concepts in materials design, chemistry, and physics.
We continue to partner with WISE and look forward to expanding the program to increase the visibility of simulations and machine learning in Baltimore.
Committee on Diversity and Inclusion (CDI)
We are members of the Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Committee on Diversity and Inclusion (CDI) where Dr. Bukowski has been the committee Vice President since 2021. This committee involves stakeholders from graduate students, undergraduates, staff, and faculty to organize and empower DEIA efforts in the department. This includes, among other activities, providing travel grants to attend DEIA-aligned conferences and workshops, providing seed grants for cross-divisional outreach and education activities, and organizing department-level outreach activities.