Brandon Bukowski
Assistant Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Department of Chemical Biomolecular Engineering, Johns Hopkins University
Postdoctoral Scholar Northwestern University 2019-2021
Ph.D. Purdue University 2014-2019
B.S. Worcester Polytechnic Institute 2010-2014
Honors and Awards
Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Award from ORAU, 2022.
Brandon Bukowski was born and grew up in Connecticut. In high school, he did a summer internship in an organic chemistry lab where he decided to pursue a career in academia. He attended Worcester Polytechnic Institute form 2010-2014 and received a Bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering with High Distinction and a minor in Physics. At WPI, Brandon did undergraduate research with Professor N. Aaron Deskins in the Department of Chemical Engineering. Brandon developed a passion for teaching when he worked as a Peer Learning Assistant (undergraduate TA) in the mathematical Sciences Department where he taught recitations and held office hours. Brandon’s experience conducting research and teaching and WPI strengthened his determination to pursue a Ph.D. and future career in academia.
Brandon enrolled at Purdue University where he joined Professor Jeffrey Greeley’s group. He worked as a teaching assistant in a process controls course and undergraduate thermodynamics as well as provided guest lectures in Professor Greeley’s graduate elective. Brandon received the “Undergraduate Award for Teaching Excellence in a Senior Course”, the “Faculty Lectureship Award in Chemical Engineering”, and was named a Dick Reitz fellow for the Center for Innovative and Strategic Transformation of Alkane Resources NSF ERC. Brandon join Professor Randall Q. Snurr’s group at Northwestern University as a Postdoctoral Scholar in 2019. Brandon started as an assistant professor at Johns Hopkins University in July of 2021.