May 2024: Dr. Bukowski receives an Amazon Research Award. [link to award site]

April 2024: Congratulations to Mingze for having his paper published in J. Phys. Chem. C! [link]
March 2024: Dr. Bukowski gives a talk at the Spring ACS meeting on using machine learning force fields in zeolites. 
January 2024: Dr. Bukowski gives a seminar at the Catalysis Club of Philadelphia. 


December 2023: Congratulations to Mingze Zheng for receiving the 1st place poster prize at the Northeast Corridor Zeolite Association (NECZA) meeting and getting the opportunity to give an oral presentation!

November 2023: Dr. Bukowski receives a Doctoral New Investigator grant from the ACS PRF. 

November 2023: Congratulations to Joshua Zhou for receiving a 2nd place trophy in Computing and Process Control II for the student poster session at AIChE Orlando!

October 2023: Johns Hopkins University wrote an article on our sustainable aviation fuel research in collaboration with University of Alabama and Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Greener Skies Ahead

August 2023: Roberto’s paper on polysulfide adsorption on MOFs for Li-S batteries is live on ChemRxiv!

July 2023: Mingze’s first co-authored paper was published as a collaboration with Dr. Yayuan Liu’s group.

June 2023: Both Dr. Bukowski and Dr. Gupta gave talks, and Pranav presented  a poster at the North American Meeting of the North American Catalysis Society in Providence RI.

May 2023: Congratulations to Geet and Pranav for receiving travel grants to attend the North American Meeting of the North American Catalysis Society in Providence RI!

May 2023: Congratulations to Josh for receiving an Elnora Muly award to support his research of lithium-sulfur batteries! [link to ChemBE news release]  

May 2023: Congratulations to our first MS graduates YanqiRobertoJason, and Kean! Yanqi will be staying with the group to do her Ph.D.

March 2023: Dr. Bukowski gives an invited talk at the spring meeting of the American Chemical Society in Indianapolis, IN.

March 2023: Jackson will join Dr. Raj Gounder’s lab as an REU student the CISTAR ERC at Purdue University!


June 2022: Dr. Bukowski receives the Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Award  [link to ChemBE news release]

May 2022: Congratulations to Joshua Zhou for winning a Life Design Lab grant to help support him over the summer!

Apr. 2022: Dr. Bukowski publishes his 20th journal article!

Apr. 2022: Dr. Geet Gupta joins the Bukowski group as a Post-doc! Dr. Gupta got his Ph.D. with Professor Luke Roling at Iowa State University.  

Mar. 2022: Congratulations to Jason Zhang, (BS/MS student co-advised between the Bukowski and McQueen groups) on winning the Provost’s Undergraduate Research Award (PURA) from JHU! [link to ChemBE news release] 

Mar. 2022: Dr. Bukowski speaks at the ACS Spring meeting and presides over a session on General Catalysis.


Jul. 2021: The Bukowski Group is established when Dr. Bukowski joins ChemBE at JHU!